Jackson Bird is a multi-disciplinary creator who writes and performs original works on the stage, on the page, and online. Many of his works aim to demystify the trans experience––a selection of which can be found on his YouTube channel, jackisnotabird, and in his debut book Sorted: Growing Up, Coming Out, and Finding My Place.
A TED Resident and Speaker, Jackson's TED Talk "How to talk (and listen) to transgender people" has been viewed over two million times. He was a 2018 GLAAD Rising Star Digital Innovator, a YouTube NextUp Creator, and a LogoTV Social Trailblazer nominee. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Vulture, The Advocate, and more.
As a proud member of FRESH Speakers and a Civic Media Senior Fellow at the Annenberg Innovation Lab at the University of Southern California, Jackson has shared his story and hosted workshops at conferences spanning from TED Women to San Diego Comic-Con as well as at private events including at Oxfam, YouTube, and MIT. He also visits with public schoolers through Lambda Literary and the NYC Department of Education's Writers In Schools program.
He is also known for his past work with Fandom Forward (formerly the Harry Potter Alliance), a nonprofit that activates online fan communities towards social action. As the Director of Communications and Partner Relations, Jackson co-wrote an award-winning case study of the organization and helped earn them a place as one of "9 Non-Profits That Get Web Humor" from Mashable.
In recent years, Jackson served as the host and producer of the daily podcast the Cool Stuff Ride Home, hosted an award-winning weekly pub quiz through Geeks Who Drink, was a regular guest host with Not Sorry Productions, and performed in the ensemble of the experimental theater company the New York Neo-Futurists.
You can keep up with his current work by following his newsletter, First Draft Theater, or following him online @jackisnotabird.
Having spent nearly two decades each in Texas and then New York City, Jackson is now based in Western Massachusetts where he is working on his next book and hopes to one day open his own pumpkin farm.
For a shorter biography, please click here.
And for photos to use for promotional purposes, please click here.

Over 18 years on YouTube, Jackson has documented his life; shared his experiences as a
trans man; educated on LGBTQIA+ topics; produced short films, video essays, and
interview series; and seen just how far a humble waffle iron can go in over
fifty episodes of his comedy series, Will It Waffle?
These days, Jackson is leaning primarily into short-form vertical content as he shares his life and travels through the lenses of literature, lost histories, and the pursuit of life-long learning.
As he is fond of saying, he DIYed his gender. Now he's DIYing the rest of his life.
Learning new things, thinking big thoughts, and taking you along for the ride.
Subscribe at youtube.com/jackisnotabird
Looking to book Jackson to speak at your event, company, or school?
See this page and email laura@freshspeakers.com for rates and more information.
For writing-related inquiries, please contact Kevin O'Connor at kevin@oconnor.nyc
Have another business inquiry or just want to say hello? Get in touch below!